Filmmaker, Senior Editor, Chief Digital Officer
Laura is a photographer, videographer, and editor based out of Jacksonville, FL. She is also licensed Part 107 drone pilot.
She is a pioneer in the integration of high definition video, still photographs and audio into multimedia productions. She is an award winning filmmaker, visual storyteller, photographer and editor who is a rising star in the industry. Her work is regularly viewed by millions on web sites like espn.com, npr.com, buzzfeed.com, apple.com, nikon.com and SI.com--as well as in the print magazines.
She began working as a visual journalist full-time in 2009 for Straw Hat Visuals. Since then, she has traveled the world making images and telling stories. In 2015, she and the team at Straw Hat Visuals won first place in News Multimedia 48 hours.
Laura has been commissioned by Apple, Nikon, Manfrotto, the Education World Forum, the Westminster School and Knotion to teach workshops and produce curricular content. She has presented to over 20 universities across the country.